January, 2023
SET Reference Amplifier

Single-ended 20-watt amplifier using the 845 tube (or the 211 tube) with ZOTL technology. Large, externally packaged chokes provide energy storage and are available either copper wound or silver wound.
November, 2022
We are pleased to announce that service for Berning products is available in the UK, performed by Paul Soor. Contact details as follows:
Name: Paul Soor
Telephone: +44 (0) 777 161 2739 Same number for WhatsApp/FaceTime/Signal
Address: Woodford, Essex, UK
July 2020
July, 2015
micro ZOTL 2.0 ... it's baaack

It's back. And more remarkable than ever. Newly configured, this micoZOTL amplifier utilizes David Berning's highly refined no-feedback Class A triode design coupled with his extremely sophisticated ZOTL power supply and impedance conversion circuitry.
A new company called Linear Tube Audio, under the direction of Mark Schneider, has been formed to bring back the microZOTL. Other products using the ZOTL technology licensed from Berning will follow.
February, 2014
April, 2012
New York Audio & AV Show 2012
"...this system kicked all manner of ass. The sound was delicate and finessed. ...the sound went deep, played cleanly, and had tremendous extension. When the music called for grace, there was grace. When the music called for balls, well, yeah. Uh huh... The imaging was freaky-precise, with spectacular depth and width. What a sound stage! ...the Berning gear was stunning. I couldn't stop ogling. ... My favorite system of the show by far. This one blew me away."
- New York Audio & AV Show 2012
"...A new deck for most people (myself included) was the Holborne, a minimalist Swiss-made Pd.5,275 Analog 2 turntable with matching $3,475 turntable and a made-for-Holborne Benz-derived moving coil cartridge for just under $2k. Driven by a belt made of magnetic tape, the deck was sounding intriguing in a Berning pre/power (with the new 60w mono versions of the ZH-230), driving a pair of prototype versions of the Zellaton Concert, using Tellurium Q cables once again. The room...had distinct touches of greatness about it. As in, this was warming up to be one of the best sounds I've heard at a show. Perhaps any show."
April, 2011
- ZH-230 reviewed by Dick Olsher in The Absolute Sound (TAS210) »
February, 2010
- ZH-230 dual 30-watt tube amplifier based on ZOTL Technology.
- Pre One tube preamplifier with ZOTL Technology.
October, 2009
- Quadrature Z wins Hi-Fi+'s "Power Amplifier of the Year 2009".
January, 2009
October, 2008
October, 2007
- Introduction of Quadrature Z 200-watt ZOTL monoblock Power Amplifier
- New website
© 1974-2025 The David Berning Company
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